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Showing posts from April, 2021

Awesome holiday of term 1

It was a fantastic holiday with my friends and family. We have been to so many beautiful and amazing places. All of us experienced a colourful and magnificent autumn. Day 1 , we set off at 10:30am. The first destination was Lake Pukaki, it was a gorgeous lake under sunshine, in addition, we eat salmon. For about 3 and a half hours drive, we managed to arrive at Twizel around 5pm, there was a beautiful lake, we went to holiday park in Twizel, we slept in a very tiny bunk room that only has 2 chairs, 1 table, 1 single bed and 1 bunk bed which is one at the top and one at the bottom and the other one was beside the bunk room. There were only one boys toilet and one girls.  We went out with a torch so we can see and brush our teeth and wash our face I was scared in terror if someone is going to kidnapped us. Day2 , The next morning we went to the lake to explore the new world, before that I was the earliest child in New Zealand to jump on a trampoline and the time was 5:20am, so yeah that

9 riddles that you can't break immediately or solve it.

1.Once there were a king that had 3 daughters, and the king can't decide who will be the queen there was a plan that the king decided. The king said whoever boils their own cup will be the next queen.There were 2 daughters that want to be the next queen and other daughter don't care about being or not being the queen, at last the daughter don't care about being or not being the queen became the queen how was that possible? Because the other daughters was opening their lid to check if it is boil and the other daughter just left it so she became the Queen. 2. The robot said you figure out I will let you go to freedom. The robot said twelve and the witch said six The robot said six and the other witch said three The robot said eight what do you say? The robot said four what do you say?         1. 5 cause eight has 5 letters in it.             2. 4 cause four only has four letters in it. 3.  how many* means how many letters you are going to use in whatever word that I say you a


We start at driving at 8:30pm then then arrived at 9:04 and how many minutes did we drive ________!!! I was so exited and scared. I was excited because to ride a adults bike which is tall as my friends mums seat. The first 11 kilometers was easy peasy lemon squeeze, and we at a enormous sausage roll and a cake plus bacon and eggs which I didn't it it was my friends Ethan and Moana, it was yum and all pour stomach got really full. When we come we just got 5 kilometres to do I was still able to but I find there was no water so it was a very tough time for me, by the way I had to carry a bag and hit really hurts cause, he bag is touching my skin and it just keep moving like two stones against each other to make fire so thats why my shoulder hurts so much. I had to bike and that seat on the  bicycle really hurts my butt, after that we went home and say goodbye to each other. We played games like blackjack and I watched a movie with mum and dad.