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9 riddles that you can't break immediately or solve it.

1.Once there were a king that had 3 daughters, and the king can't decide who will be the queen there was a plan that the king decided. The king said whoever boils their own cup will be the next queen.There were 2 daughters that want to be the next queen and other daughter don't care about being or not being the queen, at last the daughter don't care about being or not being the queen became the queen how was that possible?

Because the other daughters was opening their lid to check if it is boil and the other daughter just left it so she became the Queen.

2. The robot said you figure out I will let you go to freedom. The robot said twelve and the witch said six The robot said six and the other witch said three The robot said eight what do you say? The robot said four what do you say?

        1. 5 cause eight has 5 letters in it.             2. 4 cause four only has four letters in it.

3.  how many* means how many letters you are going to use in whatever word that I say you are going to use. dandelion*** day** what is the answer when they combine each other?

daddy because in dandelion I use two d and one a to make dad the second which is day and I use one d and one y to combine which makes daddy.

4. 5+5+5+5=555 how could you add one number and make the equation correct?

                                545 because you plus a line on top of the + to make 4!!!

5. There are 3 door the 1st one has very hot dessert and it will burn you in a few seconds. The second is a crocodile that hasn't eat for 1 year. The third door is freezing that will freeze you to death and which on should you choose?

The first one because when the sun goes out the hot dessert will become cool, then you walk through the 1st door.

6. On a sunny day there were 3 people there before the fire started the first two didn't have glasses but the third did and the 3 people didn't have matches to burn the house can you solve who had burn the house?

The one with the glasses because he can use the glasses to reflect the sun and burn the house down.

7. What has 21 eyes but can't see?

A dice! Because 1+2+3+4+5+6=21 eyes.

8. What has 6 faces but don't have a neck?

A dice. Because a dice has 6 sides.

9. Your friend asks you for a favor and gives you five dollars to buy something to eat, something to drink, something to feed his cow with and something to plant his garden. At the same time your only allowed to buy one thing. What are you going to buy?

A watermelon. you can eat it, drink it, you can feed the cow with the rinds, and as for the watermelon seeds, you can easily plant them in the garden. 



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