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We start at driving at 8:30pm then then arrived at 9:04 and how many minutes did we drive ________!!!

I was so exited and scared. I was excited because to ride a adults bike which is tall as my friends mums seat. The first 11 kilometers was easy peasy lemon squeeze, and we at a enormous sausage roll and a cake plus bacon and eggs which I didn't it it was my friends Ethan and Moana, it was yum and all pour stomach got really full. When we come we just got 5 kilometres to do I was still able to but I find there was no water so it was a very tough time for me, by the way I had to carry a bag and hit really hurts cause, he bag is touching my skin and it just keep moving like two stones against each other to make fire so thats why my shoulder hurts so much. I had to bike and that seat on the  bicycle really hurts my butt, after that we went home and say goodbye to each other. We played games like blackjack and I watched a movie with mum and dad.


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paper airplane challenge

This morning, we had a paper airplane competition. I searched on YouTube "how can make a paper airplane", I chose 2 video and followed. The first one I made was F15 airplane, it was hard to make but cool, the only problem was that it couldn't fly far. The second one was easy to make and it was amazing, it was flying through our whole living room to the garage, it was nearly 12 meters. In our family competition, I chose the second, and I was first, dad was second, and mum came last. It is an awesome day. This is my first one F15 airplane The upper one is my favorite, it can fly very far. I made this paper airplane, let's see how far it can get. By Eric