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Awesome holiday of term 1

It was a fantastic holiday with my friends and family. We have been to so many beautiful and amazing places. All of us experienced a colourful and magnificent autumn.

Day 1, we set off at 10:30am. The first destination was Lake Pukaki, it was a gorgeous lake under sunshine, in addition, we eat salmon. For about 3 and a half hours drive, we managed to arrive at Twizel around 5pm, there was a beautiful lake, we went to holiday park in Twizel, we slept in a very tiny bunk room that only has 2 chairs, 1 table, 1 single bed and 1 bunk bed which is one at the top and one at the bottom and the other one was beside the bunk room. There were only one boys toilet and one girls.  We went out with a torch so we can see and brush our teeth and wash our face I was scared in terror if someone is going to kidnapped us.

Day2, The next morning we went to the lake to explore the new world, before that I was the earliest child in New Zealand to jump on a trampoline and the time was 5:20am, so yeah that was holiday park for what we had done in 17 hours plus sleeping. The beautiful lake had our shadows being reflected from the sun and it was beautiful and the weather was perfect just the right temperature for us, plus we took lots of beautiful picture and the background was the river which was marvelous. 

 We drove to Wanaka, there was a famous tree called ThatWanakaTree,  the first time mum, dad and I saw that tree. We all felt surprise for the marvellous scene that there was a tree in the middle of the water and also felt so strange that won't it drown the tree? 

Along the river side there were lots of awesome rocks, then we decided to took a track around the river. I met a humongous tree beside lots of flowers, dad and I tried to hug it but it seemed impossible cause its stem was terribly large, as show below:

drive to Queenstown, under bridge there was a 
arrived around 6pm , we slept in a big house with 4 bedrooms...

Day 3, we went to Queenstown and I played with my friends like MONOPOLY video games and what we all played which are my dad, mum, my 2 friends, their mum and dad played was called black jack  (a really fun game.). In the morning we ate SKM which is a 11 yearly girl called Nadia made it and, it was so delicious.  Then we went to a trampoline it was so bouncy so one people at a time only.  we ate SKM again and 

Day4, we ate SKM again and we went to luge which is a little car you can drive in I did 5 times and one of them was with  my dad. My last time was angry, sad and frustrated. Cause I was stuck in the middle of the road cause my hands were so tired that I couldn't feel my hand the only hope was to try but suddenly. A teenager boy came and helped me to push the luge up so I can keep going And I finally make it and they were so worried about be I really appreciated that teenager boy helped me so I could make it to the end.


Day 5, based

Nadia and I went to build a base we had block the entry and there is a tiny entry that you can go through to inside of our base. The base looked like this: we had a meditate space with sleeping base and a eating place, the eatings place was lots of apples, plus we had weapons to fight someone if they come in.

Ashburton Domain playground 
arrived home around 7pm


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