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Showing posts from March, 2021

Adventure with mum and dad!!!

  提示: 1爸爸踩我的脚 还觉得肉乎乎很软 2 蚊子好多  3 我们以为是入口的洞穴其实是出口 哈哈哈 4 我们在公路吃了最棒的pizza 还有鸡块 5 晚上我们去看电影 哥斯拉vs 金刚 On morning my dad told me a mystery place called cave stream and it is very dangerous to explore. When we arrive, there were lots of people coming out. So we thought that must be the entry, we went in and there were lots of  MOSQUITOES were biting us.  Then we saw the entry and it was so scary, but it was the exited after that we knew that was the exit, so we went to the entry. There were a pile of rocks that we can step on them, so we can get across the little river. I helped mum to get cross of the rocks, I had to dry my feet. So dad pick me up, then he walked across to a rock that I can sit on and while my dad was walking, he stepped on my feet and my dad said in his mind it was so warm and comfortable, and I said : "ow!" so my dad got off my feet.  Mum and I were scared to cross, when we came back my mum was a little bit scared and I was nearly scared as the first time. We drov

First wild camping in the bunk room at Mt Hutt retreat

 Before what had happened After school I went back and I saw a space hat and it looked the 2300pounds Mars rover head and it looked incredible I was astonished by mum making that incredible space hat. MONTER JAM WHEELS, ROLL DOWN THE HILL.  When I went to scouts I put things on the bunk room and It was so tidy and I can not believe that I can do that without my mum.  My friend and I made a game called MONTER JAM WHEELS ROLL DOWN THE HILL. Only me and my friend did but I was the first, my friend was second, then everybody played with us so we were the maker of MONTER JAM WHEELS, ROLL DOWN THE HILL.  SAPCE COSTUME AND CAMPFIRE. On 5:15 to 5:30pm on Saturday, we were wearing our space costume then we had a campfire it was little bit cold  even I wear my hottest jacket that My mum had brought for me, it was still a little bit cold, if I don't wear my jacket I will be extremely cold.   FUNNY AND KNOWLEDGE STORY.     My mum said when did you wear your space  costume, I said 5:15 to 5:30p

Christ - 圣经目录 阅读手机版 圣经教学 查经大全 意见反馈 基督教中文网 路加福音 创世记 出埃及记 利未记 民数记 申命记 约书亚记 士师记 路得记 撒母耳记上 撒母耳记下 列王纪上 列王纪下 历代志上 历代志下 以斯拉记 尼希米记 以斯帖记 约伯记 诗篇 箴言 传道书 雅歌 以赛亚书 耶利米书 耶利米哀歌 以西结书 但以理书 何西阿书 约珥书 阿摩司书 俄巴底亚书 约拿书 弥迦书 那鸿书 哈巴谷书 西番雅书 哈该书 撒迦利亚书 玛拉基书 马太福音 马可福音 路加福音 约翰福音 使徒行传 罗马书 哥林多前书 哥林多后书 加拉太书 以弗所书 腓立比书 歌罗西书 帖撒罗尼迦前书 帖撒罗尼迦后书 提摩太前书 提摩太后书 提多书 腓利门书 希伯来书 雅各书 彼得前书 彼得后书 约翰一书 约翰二书 约翰三书 犹大书 启示录 :    路加福音 新旧约 新约 旧约 创世记 出埃及记 利未记 民数记 申命记 约书亚记 士师记 路得记 撒母耳记上 撒母耳记下 列王纪上 列王纪下 历代志上 历代志下 以斯拉记 尼希米记 以斯帖记 约伯记 诗篇 箴言 传道书 雅歌 以赛亚书 耶利米书 耶利米哀歌 以西结书 但以理书 何西阿书 约珥书 阿摩司书 俄巴底亚书 约拿书 弥迦书 那鸿书 哈巴谷书 西番雅书 哈该书 撒迦利亚书 玛拉基书 马太福音 马可福音 路加福音 约翰福音 使徒行传 罗马书 哥林多前书 哥林多后书 加拉太书 以弗所书 腓立比书 歌罗西书 帖撒罗尼迦前书 帖撒罗尼迦后书 提摩太前书 提摩太后书 提多书 腓利门书 希伯来书 雅各书 彼得前书 彼得后书 约翰一书 约翰二书 约翰三书 犹大书 启示录 隐藏英文  字体: 小   中   大   超大 上一章   下一章  转到第 章 新约 -- 路加福音(Luke) -- 第 8 章 ( 本篇共有 24 章 ) 8:1 过了不多日,耶稣周游各城、各乡传道,宣讲神国的福音。和他同去的有十二个门徒, After this, Jesus traveled about from one town and village to another, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. The Twelve were with him, 8: